
Ferric Chloride

The main raw materials of ferric chloride production technology provided by ZYUC are hydrochloric acid (30-32%) and iron powder.

Category:Chlor Alkali And Downstream Products

The main raw materials of ferric chloride production technology provided by ZYUC are hydrochloric acid (30-32%) and iron powder.

The process technology has the following advanced characteristics:

1.Production using DCS control system for control, production equipment automation control level is high;

2.Process reaction using kettle reaction, production under closed environment conditions, no waste gas emissions;

3.The harmful metal impurity content in the product is low, and all the indicators are in line with the standard of water treatment agent.Achieve drinking water grade.

4.Production process using two-step process technology, the first step using hydrochloric acid reaction to generate FeCl2, the second step using chlorine gas (or oxygen), make FeCl2 oxidation to FeCl3.